Regardless of the SEO strategy you choose, you will need to allow some time after implementing it to see some results. But how long should you expect to wait? The answer can vary, but it is based on a number of factors, including your site’s age, your site’s content, your site’s past history with Google, and whether or not your site has received any Google penalties in the past.

How long does SEO take to work?

You should start to see changes in your page ranking two to three months after you start implementing a new SEO strategy. If the strategy is implemented and carried out correctly, expect to show on the first page four to six months later. Consider it a win if you get to the first page within eight months of implementing an SEO strategy. And remember the key is to stay consistent!

Who does SEO take so long to start working?

Eight months can seem like an eternity to a small business. Why does it take so long to see SEO results? SEO is cumulative and it builds over time. Showing up high on the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) without paying for ads is what everyone wants. “Everyone” here includes your competitors, less relevant websites and the occasional fraudsters. The Google bots have to analyze all of these sites and determine which websites will best satisfy the search request. This takes time.

How much time it takes depends on the searches you want to be found for, your industry, your competitors, your location, your host provider, and a number of other factors. In other words, every website will be different. But from what we’ve seen, the estimates above are a good baseline. The more time you spend on your SEO, the more likely it is to show sooner. For example, spending 15 hours a month on SEO tasks isn’t the same as spending 3 hours a month on SEO tasks. At the same time, though, there’s only so much you can do — especially if you have a small, locally-targeted website. If a website still isn’t showing after eight to nine months, it usually indicates there’s a deeper problem that needs to be addressed.

What else can I do to accelerate SEO?

After spending months building a website, no one wants to hear that it will take another six months for it to begin helping your business. While no one can change Google’s timeline, here are a few actions you can take (along with your SEO efforts) to increase traffic to your website.

  • Advertise your website on Google, Facebook or another pay-per-click platform. While everyone wants organic (non-paid) clicks to their website, paid clicks can be extremely effective.
  • Send email newsletters to your client base announcing your new website. Even if they aren’t ready to procure your services at the moment, they may have friends who are.
  • Announce your new website to your social media network. Encourage others to announce and share it as well!

Do you need help with your SEO strategy? Get in touch with our experts at Creative Scope today!

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